BLOYL_Dr.NinaBest Life of Your Life: Episode 7

Welcome back Best-Lifers! Thanks so much for continuing to listen and spread the word about The BLOYL Podcast. I seriously have the best listeners on the planet and am eternally grateful to all of you for your support.

We have the pleasure of sharing some great conversation with a truly special and talented person, Dr. Nina. She empathetically helps us learn how to relate to ourselves in a new and empowering way so we can become free from the inner conflicts (that we’re usually unaware of) that lead to the seemingly endless struggle with  our diet. If you eat food, ever, then you need to meet Dr. Nina!

Yup, this episode’s definitely for ALL of us.

Dr. Nina is simply amazing. She’s a highly-trained and experienced clinician, an award winning blogger, podcast host, youtube show host and practicing psychoanalyst in Los Angeles, CA.

Her blog, Make Peace With Food, was named by Healthline as “Best Eating Disorder Blog” in 2012, 2013, and 2014, a “Top Eating Disorder Blog” in 2013, and a “Top 50 Mindful Eating Site of 2014.” You’re right, that is pretty awesome.

Her popular podcast, Win The Diet War with Dr. Nina, was named “New & Noteworthy” by iTunes and her amazing video series, The Dr. Nina Show, is currently on YouTube. She is currently writing a book based on the principles and ideas in her blog and podcast.

drninagoogle-finalShe is a true expert that specializes in emotional eating. I can promise you that our perspective on what “emotional eating” will be altered and improved after talking with her today. This show is about your freedom. Be pleasantly forewarned, she’s going to help us dig deep, get to the real issues and finally walk the path toward liberation. Finally,  we’ll be free from from the unnecessary battles with dieting, eating and exercise.

Most of us traditionally think we just need more discipline to improve our relationship with food, diet and health — but hold on. Dr. Nina is about to show us that taking control of the way we think about food is about something else. It’s about perspective. We need to be open, curious and willing to take the journey toward understanding why we’re doing what we’re doing.

She’s truly opened my eyes and has me thinking in a whole new way. You’re going to be amazed, and you might need to listen to this episode twice to let it all sink in — I certainly did.

You’re also going to want to get her free 3 Day Challenge to Crack the Code of Emotional Eating and take advantage of her life-changing 30 day Kick the Diet Habit program.

I’m providing the links to all her great stuff below!

Enjoy this and every episode of The BLOYL Podcast. You’re probably already subscribed, but if not, make sure you do today & spread the word to your friends and family.

Sharing is caring — and caring is a big part of living the Best Life of Your Life!

Best Life of Your Life: The BLOYL Podcast with Aaron Keith Hawkins

Resources from Episode 7:

Crack the Code to Emotional eating with Dr. Nina’s 3 Day Challenge! —

Dr. Nina’s 30 Day Kick the Diet Habit program — Kick the Diet Habit

Thank you so much Dr. Nina for sharing with us today & thanks of course to all of you amazing listeners.

You guys ROCK!:-)