Best Life of Your Life: Episode 9

Whoa – big topic to tackle today! But relax, this isn’t a discussion about how to open the car door for ‘ye lady or how make your man feel like watching football on Saturday & Sunday is perfectly fine. This goes deeper than that.

We’re having a discussion that covers ALL relationships. Yes, this includes those mushy romances, but it’s really about all levels of interpersonal relationships that we deal with every single day.

I’m giving away 4 big keys to establish relationships that will be far less likely to crash and burn, and even if they do, you can walk away regret-free, because you lived by your values, not by society’s average expectations.

We’ve all make mistakes on some relationships haven’t we? We’ve stayed in some that we probably should’ve ended. We’ve ended some we probably should’ve nurtured. Hey, no worries, life is a continuous learning process.

My question (and answer) for this episode is, are there some habits that we can focus on and condition within ourselves to increase our chances of establishing and maintaining stronger and healthier relationships? The answer is Y-E-S.

Today we’re going to talk about the importance of staying on our path, loving ourselves, being completely genuine and giving love – unconditionally. If you’re looking for advice that will feel completely comfortable and normal, you might be a bit disappointed.

Our goal here isn’t to create the average life of our life, we’re here to create the Best Life of Your Life. And we all know that taking life to the next level involves being willing to do those things that may initially feelĀ  uncomfortable. But you’re not alone my friend. We’re all in this together — and I promise it’ll be worth it.

Enjoy the show and please share it with someone today. Thanks for being so friggin’ awesome!

Relationship Tips from The BLOYL Podcast, Episode 9:

  • Stay on your Path

  • Love Yourself

  • Always be Genuine

  • Give Love – Unconditionally