How did I get here?…
I used to believe that we only get what life has planned for us.
It seemed reasonable to assume that our level of impact in our world, our success, achievements or fulfillment were all just a matter of fate.
Then I died.
Or at least I thought I did.
In December 2009, I collapsed on the floor in front of my wife, clutching my chest, experiencing what I thought was a heart attack and the end of my life.
I was 36.
It wasn’t until that moment, when the final curtain seemed to be closing way to soon, that I realized I’d been ignoring countless opportunities.
Like you, I had my version of a ‘normal’.
I had great friends, an amazing wife, an angel of a daughter, and a stable career.
But I was coasting.
I wasn’t GIVING to life, I was taking what I thought I was destined to get.
So back to me “Dying”.
It wasn’t until that moment. Motionless on my bedroom floor at almost 2 in the morning, facing what I thought was the end of my chances, that I felt the clarity and crushing regret of someone who finally realized they had intentionally stayed average.
In a flash, I realized how horrifically selfish I was. I was riding the wave of life, when the truth is there was so much more I could’ve given … to my family, friends, society, and myself.
Then something unexpected happened.
I lived.
And there was no way I was going back to the old routine.
Since that day, I spent years evolving my understanding of what makes good people settle for less than the amazingly high levels of performance that they’re capable of.
I developed a healthy obsession with discovering what skills are consistently on display when we are creating life experiences that make us proud, even in the face of our toughest daily challenges.
What I’ve learned and am openly sharing with you is that in order for us to feel truly fulfilled lives, and to build a legacy that keeps our dreams, intentions and aspirations alive, there are some critical things that we MUST intentionally evolve.
It’s my mission to share my best, advanced tactics for experiencing the joy and challenge of evolving your life’s performance. You deserve greater connections, influence, success and exciting results in your life. You can create a level of leadership that elevates your experiences and the performance of those around you professionally and at home.
I hope we’ll get to know each other a little better, because there’s so much I’d love to learn about you and to share to help you along your journey.
Not sure where to start? No worries —
You can start here with a few episodes of the Unbreakable Success podcast or grab a copy of my book Million Dollar Influence: How to Create Life-Changing Connection, Trust & Impact in Your Business and Life.
Talk with you soon – Aaron
Aaron Keith Hawkins is an author, motivational leadership and success keynote speaker, and personal performance mentor.
He’s an internationally recognized podcast host, and has been featured as a subject matter expert on dozens of podcasts, radio shows, and other media outlets.
Aaron is a retired Police Captain with decades of leadership experience. He’s been a teacher, mentor, coach and speaker since the 1990’s. Aaron holds a Master’s Degree in Administrative Leadership with a focus on Professional Coaching from the University of Oklahoma, he’s a certified NLP Practitioner, and is a proud alumnus of the 255th session of the invitation-only FBI National Academy where he engaged in advanced leadership studies alongside his fellow hand-picked delegates from dozens of countries.
As is often the case, Aaron’s believes his greatest education has come from life itself, including fatherhood, and his journey of marriage to his best friend and wife, Cathy, with whom he’s been sharing life since 1996.
His book Million Dollar Influence gives actionable and research-backed insights on create life-changing connection, trust, and impact in your business and life. Grab a copy today, read it, then share with a friend.
Your Influence and Leadership Specialist.

Husband & Dad.