You’ve faced many challenges, and you might be facing some right now, but you’re about to discover how to overcome any challenge with True Grit and Grace thanks to our friend Amberly Lago. She’s amazing.

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Amberly Lago: True Grit and Grace on Unbreakable Success PodcastUnbreakable Success Podcast, Episode 48

Amberly Lago – How to Overcome Any Challenge with True Grit and Grace.

We’ve been blessed with so many stellar guests here on Unbreakable Success, but none quite like Amberly Lago. I actually met Amberly on Instagram after we’d been following each other for a while. When I realized she had a new book coming out to share her amazing story, I had to reach out to meet her, invite her to the show, and let you benefit from having her awesomeness in your life too.

I’m glad I went with my gut because we wound up chatting it up like old friends. I learned her husband is a retired police lieutenant (like me!), she’s got mad love for animals, and I even got the dish on her days performing with MC Hammer! Yes, that MC Hammer!!

Of course, as we all know, sometimes life can really punch us in the face, and it can be painful. No one knows challenge and pain quite like Amber. She was hit by a car while riding her motorcycle on an otherwise beautiful California day. Her leg was eviscerated, and there was about a 1% change of saving it. Obviously, those odds didn’t know Amberly…

You’ll hear her full story in this episode, but suffice it to say, she was amazing long before the accident that changed her life. She’s a Texan who moved to California to pursue her dream. She’s dancer, fitness instructor, and has an amazing husband and beautiful children.

She spent 3 months in the hospital after her accident, and has endured over 30 surgeries. A series of amazing miracles that you’ll hear about in this episode led to her leg being saved. She still lives with chronic pain, but has dedicated her life to helping others triumph over theirs. We honestly need more people like her in this world.

What she endured is not the story. The real story is how she endures. Amberly is one of the most sincere and gracious humans you’ll ever meet. There’s always a smile in her voice, and there’s an air of humility about her that is only matched by her enduring strength and confidence.

The title of her book is the perfect description of her. She is True Grit and Grace: Turning Tragedy into Triumph.

Amberly is a multi-talented entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker, TEDx speaker, and was recently featured on The Megyn Kelly TODAY Show, Health Magazine, SHAPE Magazine, Disability Magazine and so many more.

Please reach out to Amberly after this episode using any of the links below to thank her for sharing her story, and let her know how it’s impacted your perspective on a life or business challenge you’ve been facing. I can guarantee you that she’ll be grateful for the love.

Oh, and of course, click any of the share links above to spread the message of this episode and our mission of Unbreakable Success.

Have a question or comment about this episode? Call me anytime at (888)348-7298.

Resources from Unbreakable Success Podcast Episode 48:



Instagram: AmberlyLagoMotivation

Twitter: @AmberlyLago