Nicole Jansen | What Do You Really Want To Be Known For?
Unbreakable Success Podcast, Episode 53
Nicole Jansen – What do you really want to be known for?
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My buddy Christopher Wirth is the founder of No Quit Living, a speaking, coaching, and training company that focuses on accountability, goals, time management, networking, leadership, sales, personal development and so much more. Chris’ approach to live is one that naturally promotes personal resiliency, and a focus on embracing your challenges as you pursue a life of positivity, persistence, and prosperity.
I can promise you that any conversation with Chris is will result in some powerful insights, and today’s episode is a perfect example of just that.
Aaron: 00:00 All right, Chris welcome! Thanks for joining us on this episode of Unbreakable Success. How are you doing today? My man?
Chris Wirth: 00:06 I’m doing great. I appreciate the opportunity to be here.
Aaron: 00:08 You know, I’m excited. First of all, I’ve got to thank you, for those who don’t know, Chris was kind enough to allow me to jump on his podcast about a week or so ago, right? We did that. Yep. Yep. He’s got an awesome podcasts. Chris, for anybody that doesn’t know you or know you show, can you, can you just plug it right now for, for the benefit of everybody listening so they can check it out and see what you’re up to? (more…)
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There’s nothing better than the idea of living a life that feels aligned with what you simply LOVE to do. It’s just one of the many things I admire about my friend Sonya Looney. She’s a World Champion athlete who has managed to build a dedicated following, a thought-leadership platform, a podcast and personal brand simply by sharing what she learns, loves, and believes.
There are so many lessons to learn from Sonya, but the first one is to make sure you’re finding a way to do more of what excites you. Sonya has built (and is still building) her following with chasing like and follows, but by being herself and sharing her perspectives with the world.
Aaron: 00:00 Alright you guys welcome back to another episode of Unbreakable Success. We have a pretty amazing guest today as we always do, but this one’s really special. Her name is Sonya Looney. She’s a world champion. I’m a mountain biker. She’s a motivational speaker, professional athlete, adventure, author. Sonia is up to so many things. She just opened her a shop called Moxie and grit. Is that right? Sonya? That’s right. I will talk about that in a few minutes. Um, but Sonya, you do some amazing things and I, I got a lead into this by saying seven day races, like you gotta, like give me a short segment of how that happened. (more…)