Best Life of Your Life: Episode 5
There is so much power in hope, especially when there seems to be no easy answers. Hope may not be what builds our great life, but just a glimmer of hope can be enough to get us to ask better questions, find better answers and start moving in the right direction.
As author Barry Mangione tells us today, no matter how “hopeless” things may seem, we are never without hope. It’s always there, we just need the perspective to see it.
My friend, author & podcast host Barry Mangione is an inspiration and just a flat out great guy. He’s also living proof of the infinite power of hope and choice.
I’m extremely grateful and excited that he’s here to share some great conversation, specifically, some empowering questions & answers from his book No Easy Answers: A Book of Life-Changing Questions.
In addition to being an author, Barry is also the host of his podcast by the same name, No Easy Answers. Some years ago, Barry was literally at the edge of existence and contemplating ending his life. Like all of us, he had personal challenges – and like all of us, he didn’t have all of the answers.
Then he did something amazing, he chose to see hope and he chose to be the change in his life.
It’s important to recognize that he didn’t just hope that things would change, what he did was way more powerful than that. He clung to the hope that by BEING the change, a journey to an improved life experience would happen…and so it did.
Fast forward to today, and he’s become a big inspiration to me and to so many of his readers and listeners.
No matter who you are, where you are, or how good or bad things seem today, this episode is a must-listen. This is Part 1 of our conversation. Yup, he’ll be back, because we’ve got more to discuss than we could fit into just one episode.
Thanks for listening, and please, share this episode with someone who may need it.
Best Life of Your Life: The BLOYL Podcast with Aaron Keith Hawkins
Resources from Episode 5:
Get Barry’s book No Easy Answers here! –
Best Life of Your Life: Episode 5
There is so much power in hope, especially when there seems to be no easy answers. Hope may not be what builds our great life, but just a glimmer of hope can be enough to get us to ask better questions, find better answers and start moving in the right direction.
As author Barry Mangione tells us today, no matter how “hopeless” things may seem, we are never without hope. It’s always there, we just need the perspective to see it.
My friend, author & podcast host Barry Mangione is an inspiration and just a flat out great guy. He’s also living proof of the infinite power of hope and choice.
I’m extremely grateful and excited that he’s here to share some great conversation, specifically, some empowering questions & answers from his book No Easy Answers: A Book of Life-Changing Questions.
In addition to being an author, Barry is also the host of his podcast by the same name, No Easy Answers. Some years ago, Barry was literally at the edge of existence and contemplating ending his life. Like all of us, he had personal challenges – and like all of us, he didn’t have all of the answers.
Then he did something amazing, he chose to see hope and he chose to be the change in his life.
It’s important to recognize that he didn’t just hope that things would change, what he did was way more powerful than that. He clung to the hope that by BEING the change, a journey to an improved life experience would happen…and so it did.
Fast forward to today, and he’s become a big inspiration to me and to so many of his readers and listeners.
No matter who you are, where you are, or how good or bad things seem today, this episode is a must-listen. This is Part 1 of our conversation. Yup, he’ll be back, because we’ve got more to discuss than we could fit into just one episode.
Thanks for listening, and please, share this episode with someone who may need it.
Best Life of Your Life: The BLOYL Podcast with Aaron Keith Hawkins
Resources from Episode 5:
Get Barry’s book No Easy Answers here! –
Such a great timing to come across this, thank you Aaron and Barry! I am going through something very similar right now, fighting with my own fears, feeling disarmed and lost. To hear how Barry bettered himself gives me hope. I really need encouraging words like these more then ever. I’m determined to win my happiness back.
Hey Kubo,
Thank you for reaching out. I’m always humbled and appreciative to take part in any conversation that helps spread a message of hope and empowerment. You ARE truly capable of creating a happy and fulfilling life experience. Like each and every one of us (including me) it sometimes takes a dose of new and useful perspectives, so seek them out, please.
If you haven’t yet, please take a few minutes to listen to Episode 3 where I have a short talk about fear. Please don’t ever hesitate to send me a message and ask me anything. Stay awesome my friend — You’ve got this.