4 Reasons You Shouldn’t “Conquer” Fear


Photo Courtesy of © Jakub Jirsák / Dollar Photo Club

“Conquer fear!” “Overcome Fear!”  “No Fear!”

It feels like the impossible battle cry doesn’t it? Lets flip the lens around for a minute. Maybe we’re being a little too harsh on fear.

Is there a better alternative than constantly thinking of fear as an enemy to be destroyed or overcome?

I don’t think the problem is that we experience fear. The problem is, we’re not in the habit of utilizing fear as an asset or tool that can be useful when needed, and set aside when its not.

We too often put fear to work in situations where it’s not serving our current need. It’s often like using a cannon to cut a wedding cake. Messy!

We would be well served in remembering that there are only TWO fears that we are actually born with. The fear of falling, and the fear of loud noises. All of our other fears come from things we’ve “learned.” And you already know that everything we “learn” isn’t necessarily true. (more…)

2018-02-05T22:04:38-05:00Blog, Personal Development|Comments Off on 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t “Conquer” Fear

New Perspective, Renewed Confidence

Photo Courtesy of © adrian_ilie825 / Dollar Photo Club

New Perspective, Renewed Confidence

“When someone tells you that they believe in you, when they tell you that you can accomplish anything, that your dreams are NOT ridiculous, that you are capable of absolutely anything, that you are worth more than you could ever imagine, that you DO matter, and you can make a difference, when they understand that you have fears, but urge you to go beyond them, to let go of self-doubt and hesitation, when they tell you these things, believe them, every time, because if you truly believe, you will realize, that they are always, always right.” – Aaron Keith Hawkins

You know those moments when you feel your confidence has been completely obliterated? Like life is constantly blindsiding you and knocking you to your knees? Sometimes it may happen to us so often it feel like we were born without the ability to consistently accomplish anything significant or truly valuable.

Stand tall my friend. The only thing you need is some new perspective. Your awesomeness is always there, just waiting to be acknowledged and directed by its owner. You.

It’s time to see the real you, and regain the confidence that is rightfully yours.

Much like the “voice” in this story… (more…)

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4 Strategies to Permanently Change What You Want & Improve Your Life


Photo Courtesy of © Rawpixel / Dollar Photo Club

It’s so maddening isn’t it? Here we are, trying to improve ourselves. Doing the right things. Wanting to make a positive change in our life. New eating habits, new career path, no more smoking. We jump onto the road to a wonderful new life and we absolutely ROCK IT — for a while…

Then it happens. We let that stupid rubber band around our waist pull us back to the old routine. Just one cigarette, just one workout skipped. We’ll read that book later. You see and feel your wonderful new change slipping away.

How in the world did it happen…again?!

This time we had a “good” plan in place — dude, I even put those running shoes in the hallway so I couldn’t avoid ‘em! We had our diet plan, a list of to-do’s at the office. Ha! We even trashed our lighter and ashtray! The plan was foolproof!

Yes, I am making light of a serious problem. I humbly suggest you do the same. Anger and frustration solve nothing, but a little levity and an objective look at the real problem just may lead us to a solution.

Plus, I’m actually laughing at myself! I’ve experienced this mind numbing phenomena in many areas in my life. Quitting smoking, improving my eating and exercise habits, improving my career…

You’re not alone.

So, what gives? Why does it seem so hard to make changes, permanently? The problem is, no matter how well intentioned and worthy your goals may be. No matter how many meals we plan, running shoes we buy, cigarettes we flush, if we’ve failed to address some internal issues, we’re going to have a problem. Let’s attack this issue head on… (more…)

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