How to be Authentically Confident in Yourself – – 2 Mindset Tips for Leadership and Life

Welcome to Leadership

Episode 2

If you want More Confidence–Here’s 2 Unexpected Secrets I share in this episode with two real life examples from personal experience.

As leaders, one of the simplest (but not easiest) methods to become more confident is to adopt the mindset of absolute accountability and responsibility.

Responsibility refers to the obligation to perform the task or comply with a rule; accountability implies answerability for the outcome of the task or process.

When you decide that phrases like “it’s not fair”, “it’s not my fault”, “I wasn’t there”, or “it wasn’t my intent”are no longer a part of your vocabulary, I can promise you that your confidence will increase, and others will follow your example.


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If you want to become an expert in your field — remember this leadership lesson


Great leaders know that if everyone is consistently agreeing with you, there’s a problem. This episode shares a quick story from my days as a SWAT team member that taught me one of the most valuable leadership and success lessons of my life. It’s one lesson that I continue practice, and it has allowed me to experience the success I’ve enjoyed so far.

Here’s 5 quick takeaways for you:

  1. Just because someone sees something differently than you, doesn’t mean one of you is wrong.
  2. Even when you think everything is going just fine, someone close to you can be having a terrible experience.
  3. Leveraging the perspective of those around you who are committed to the same goal is a powerful recipe for improvement.
  4. Micro-adjustments can be more valuable than big changes.
  5. Being an outstanding leader isn’t about telling people what happened or what’s going to happen, it’s about creating an environment where they can discover those answers without you saying a word.

The greatest leaders encourage diversity of thought, not unwavering compliance. (more…)

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If you want to be a better leader – here’s how to start / Intro to Welcome to Leadership


Discover how to get the most valuable insights, tips and lessons on success, high performance and leadership through solo episodes of Welcome to Leadership with motivational leadership speaker Aaron Keith Hawkins. PLUS, get the expertise of guest experts who are brilliant leaders from across the globe. If you want to discover how to be a great leader, a better manager, this is your resource for free leadership training and skills with episodes being delivered to at least 3 times per week to make sure you’re getting clarity and inspiration all week long.

Regardless of the leadership styles that you may have learned, or the great leadership quotes that have inspired you, leveraging the video or audio version of Welcome to Leadership will help you maximize your great leadership qualities and experience the success in life that you so deserve.
Most of all, if you have a leadership question you want to hear answered?
Just text me at 239-217-7434.
00:00 The greatest gift is…
00:15 The purpose of this podcast…
00:27 What you can expect from each episode…
00:54 Who am I?…
01:09 You’ll be a better leader by remembering this!…
01:45 The 2 Critical Outcomes of your Self-Leadership…
02:02 What to do next for more FREE Leadership insights…
02:36 How to get the FREE audio podcast / Welcome to Leadership……
02:55 How to get YOUR questions answered..


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How to Be Consciously and Authentically Masculine with Stef Sifandos

Unbreakable Success Podcast, Episode 60

How to be Consciously and Authentically Masculine with Stef Sifandos.

Click to Subscribe on >> iTunes, Stitcher Radio or YouTube.

Stefanos Sifandos is an author, international speaker, and mentor who — if you’re willing, will help you transform your idea of relationships, quality of life, and modern masculinity. (more…)

2020-02-17T13:15:58-05:00Podcast|Comments Off on How to Be Consciously and Authentically Masculine with Stef Sifandos

How To Live The Ultimate Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo

Unbreakable Success Podcast, Episode 58

How to Live the Ultimate Bucket List Life with “The James Bond of Public Speaking” – Kenyon Salo.

Click to Subscribe on >> iTunes, Stitcher Radio or Tunein. 

Discover how to live the ultimate bucket list lifestyle with the “James Bond” of the motivational public speaking world, our new friend Kenyon Salo. (more…)

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