Best Life of Your Life: Episode 13

I’m so grateful to be talking with you again. We’re discussing an extremely popular question –

Do things really happen for a reason?

It’s such a great question – and the answer has some serious ramifications for all of us.

I’ll give you my perspective and hopefully trigger you to do some healthy contemplation on this subject.

I also give my respect and a sincere ‘thank you’ to a really special person who has deeply inspired so many people, including me. I truly hope you get something valuable from this episode and share it forward to someone today.

Resources from Episode 13

  1. – Scott Dinsmore’s amazing site dedicated to helping you create the life of your dreams. In his passing, his wife Chelsea has been bravely giving updates, keeping Scott’s message alive and sharing her journey. I never had the honor of meeting Scott or his wife, but sharing his message forward just feels like the right thing to do. Please visit and be inspired.
  2. TED: Ideas Worth Spreading – The amazing non-profit I mention in this episode and it’s where I first heard Scott’s speech (Click to watch it). There’s seriously an unlimited supply of amazing TED talks that will change the way you think. It can get pretty addictive, but in a good way. So many of these talks flat-out brilliant and you’ll WANT to keep watching.

I can’t wait to talk again soon. Remember to leave me a voicemail on that speakpipe tab on the screen anytime to let me know how you’re doing and how you’ve been affected by any episode. —>>>

Peace & love always -Aaron