How to increase your income and impact with Positive Productivity? Our friend Kim Sutton has been there, done that, and is sharing it all with you in this episode!

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Kim Sutton, Business Coach - Increase Your Income and Impact with Positive Productivity.Unbreakable Success Podcast, Episode 42

Kim Sutton – Increase Your Income and Impact with Positive Productivity.

If you’ve ever listened to an episode of Unbreakable Success, you know the purpose of this podcast is to share powerful stories of success and impact that inevitably occur in those of us who commit to our personal growth.

I don’t just share these stories because they feel good and are motivational, even though they are, I share them because there’s so many lesson and strategies for you to learn from the experiences of others who’ve walked a similar path.

Today’s episode is a great example of a story that gives us many lessons and an authentic dose of inspiration.

Kim Sutton is a stay at home mother of 5, a wife, brilliant entrepreneur, speaker, podcast host, business and productivity coach, and soon to be published author.

She’s also a great example of why it’s important to be willing to cultivate positive relationships with people who believe in your ability to grow and achieve. She’s also the leader of my mastermind group and a massive personal inspiration to me and the other entrepreneurs in my circle of influence. Our mastermind has a lot of love for Kim and so will you.

Kim is the founder of Positive Productivity business coaching and host of the Positive Productivity podcast. You can even click here to catch my episode with Kim in Episode 260!

One of the many nuggets of wisdom you’ll definitely want to hear in this episode is how she actually quadrupled her income when she stopped focusing all of her energy on just making money. it’s a powerful lesson for all of us.

She’ll also explain in this episode about the origins of the term Positive Productivity, but I’ll let her explain here in her own words about the experience she provides to her clients…


Imagine waking every day with a sense of calm. You know you have work to do, and you are madly passionate about the work that’s waiting. You no longer dread Mondays, but rather, jump out of bed, excited about the day ahead.

You’ve learned to say “YES!” to only the opportunities and clients who serve you, which allows you to serve them at the highest level. You’re not worried about money, because you’re in flow and you know that with every “No” opportunity you turn down, a bigger “YES!” is waiting just around the bend.

You’re not tempted to purchase every offer that hits your inbox because you work confidently knowing you have the support and systems you need to not only survive but also to thrive.

And, most importantly, you feel INCREDIBLE! You’re sleeping, you have time to take care of YOUR needs, and you finally have the ability — mentally AND physically — to take time away from work for yourself AND for your loved ones.

THIS is Positive Productivity.”

Please be sure to listen, make sure you’ve subscribed, and please pay it forward by sharing this with someone who wants to create a bigger impact in their business or life.

Resources from Unbreakable Success Episode 42:

Twitter: @TheKimSutton


Instagram: TheKimSutton

