Best Life of Your Life: Episode 6

At the risk of sounding cliche’, I’m gonna preface this episode by stating what I believe to be a fact — we are all winners. Period.

If we have the ability to read or hear this information, then we absolutely have the capacity to accomplish and “win” at anything.

The extent to which we develop our individual awesomeness is simply dependent on our decisions. You’re here and listening to this show — so I’m willing to bet your decision making skills are pretty amazing. 🙂

For the purpose of this episode however, when I use the term “Winners”, I’m simply referring to those people we often look to and admire for their consistent, high levels of success.

It’s important that when we look at these high-achievers, we remember that there that there are specific reasons and actions that result in achieving and maintaining success, even if their life from an outside perspective can seem effortless, glamorous… comfortable.

In many ways this appearance can be true to a certain extent, but we have to look at something other than the amazing results. We must look at what led to the results. Otherwise, it’s almost like watching the end of a marathon and thinking, “Oh how easy! All I’ve got to do is run past that little finish line area and throw my hands up, then I’ll get a medal and people will hug me and tell me how awesome I am.”

No so fast. There’s a lot of mileage and effort behind the success of those we admire and respect — & the proverbial “ballin-out” isn’t what made them successful. Over the years I’ve certainly had a laundry list of people whom I’ve considered to be models of success. However, I’ve become very intentional about learning what it looks like when they work; because it doesn’t do me any good to find out what they do when they’re on holiday in Cabo.

There are two main behaviors that we’re going to talk about on in today’s episode. Two things that consistent achievers almost ALWAYS do. As with many things in life, they are a bit counterintuitive.

Winners Do What Feels Uncomfortable

The first of the things we must realize is that doing what FEELS uncomfortable is the only way we expand our skill and stretch our abilities. We often hear (almost ad nauseum) people refer to the term “taking it to the next level” — but lets be perfectly clear about one thing: nothing we do gets to the “next level” until we’re willing get outside of our comfort zone and dare to do something that makes us feel like we’ve got two left feet.

Yes, the road to success will require doing things that initially (and sometimes consistently) feels  pretty uncomfortable, but winners know this is the most important time to push through and do it anyway. There’s no risk in doing what you’re completely comfortable doing… & there’s seldom much of a reward.

Winners Fail without Letting Their COURAGE Fail

This is so important, so let me put this as simply as I can:

Failure is part of the process of winning. Now you say it — FAILURE IS PART OF THE PROCESS OF WINNING.

Winners recognize that anything, absolutely anything other than their intended goal is just part of the process, just another step along the journey.

There will be struggle, discouragement, “no’s”, insults, frustration…and all of these things may initially sting. But after a while they will sting less. This is where courage lives isn’t it? Courage thrives in the face of failure and discouragement, because there’s something more important to focus on. There’s not time for ego.

Your goal, your dream, the outcome you chose for your life is so much more important than something as trivial as a failure. You know the stories behind the legends as well as I do — Steve Jobs being fired from Apple, Oprah being told she’s “not right” for television, Michael Jordan being relegated to the junior varsity basketball team in high school (he wasn’t cut as the common myth claims), but each of these people had a goal stronger than their ego.

Listen to Episode 6, create the Best Life of Your Life, and don’t forget to subscribe and tell a friend about the show.

I’m only at a half-dozen podcast episodes but I’m quickly realizing I have THE best listeners on the planet. Thank you all so much for the love, support, feedback, and for spreading the word about the show.

You guys rock!