Best Life of Your Life: Episode 12
Did you guys know that only 8% of people claim to actually set and reach their life goals?
What the what?! That means 92% of us DON’T set and accomplish our life goals or dreams!
THE GOOD NEWS – Today we’re going to make sure you and I aren’t victims of someone else’s statistics. We’re going to make sure we’re the creators of our own circumstances. [fistbump]
In this episode, let’s discover your 4 new keys to huge progress on your biggest goals.
We’ve all got goals that we’re working on accomplishing, but today, I want us to focus on that BIG goal. Your ‘unicorn’. That dream that you’re working to accomplish that’s so huge it almost feels ridiculous to be going after it. Yea, those are the one’s that life is about.
Wait, you DO have one of those big goals that you’re working on right? No worries, if you don’t then this is the perfect episode for you also. Because if that dream or goal that you’ve been putting off until ‘later’ was falling victim to an excuse like “I don’t have a strategy”, then the conversation we discuss today will likely help spark some visualization about how that dream can actually evolve into something real.
Of course, there are many strategies for goal setting and finding your dream, but today, I’m sharing my TOP 4 effective mental strategies that help ensure massive progress once we already know what our goal is. By following these steps, we wind up in a circle of intentional, planned actions that create huge results. Most of all, these steps don’t just have our own interests in mind, but also our friends and family.
Remember, one of the most important but often overlooked qualities of a worthy goal is that it provides as much benefit for the people you love as it does for you.
Enjoy Episode 12 and leave me a message about your progress!
Best Life of Your Life: The BLOYL Podcast with Aaron Keith Hawkins
Recap of Episode 12
The 4 Steps to making massive progress on your biggest goals!
Act as if every day will either result in the Progression or Regression of your goals (choose wisely!)
Monitor your daily inputs – be efficient with the intake of information
Condition yourself to be about action, not reaction
Daily Real-Talk about your performance by asking 3 simple questions:
- What did I learn today that will help me achieve my goal?
- What ACTIONS did I take toward my goal?
- How did I effectively communicate with my family/friends or others who are directly effected by my pursuit of this goal?
I can’t wait to talk again soon! Don’t forget you can always ask me anything by leaving a voicemail on that speakpipe tab on the screen —>>> 🙂
Peace & love always -Aaron
Best Life of Your Life: Episode 12
Did you guys know that only 8% of people claim to actually set and reach their life goals?
What the what?! That means 92% of us DON’T set and accomplish our life goals or dreams!
THE GOOD NEWS – Today we’re going to make sure you and I aren’t victims of someone else’s statistics. We’re going to make sure we’re the creators of our own circumstances. [fistbump]
In this episode, let’s discover your 4 new keys to huge progress on your biggest goals.
We’ve all got goals that we’re working on accomplishing, but today, I want us to focus on that BIG goal. Your ‘unicorn’. That dream that you’re working to accomplish that’s so huge it almost feels ridiculous to be going after it. Yea, those are the one’s that life is about.
Wait, you DO have one of those big goals that you’re working on right? No worries, if you don’t then this is the perfect episode for you also. Because if that dream or goal that you’ve been putting off until ‘later’ was falling victim to an excuse like “I don’t have a strategy”, then the conversation we discuss today will likely help spark some visualization about how that dream can actually evolve into something real.
Of course, there are many strategies for goal setting and finding your dream, but today, I’m sharing my TOP 4 effective mental strategies that help ensure massive progress once we already know what our goal is. By following these steps, we wind up in a circle of intentional, planned actions that create huge results. Most of all, these steps don’t just have our own interests in mind, but also our friends and family.
Remember, one of the most important but often overlooked qualities of a worthy goal is that it provides as much benefit for the people you love as it does for you.
Enjoy Episode 12 and leave me a message about your progress!
Best Life of Your Life: The BLOYL Podcast with Aaron Keith Hawkins
Recap of Episode 12
The 4 Steps to making massive progress on your biggest goals!
Act as if every day will either result in the Progression or Regression of your goals (choose wisely!)
Monitor your daily inputs – be efficient with the intake of information
Condition yourself to be about action, not reaction
Daily Real-Talk about your performance by asking 3 simple questions:
- What did I learn today that will help me achieve my goal?
- What ACTIONS did I take toward my goal?
- How did I effectively communicate with my family/friends or others who are directly effected by my pursuit of this goal?