How To Improve; Every Day


Photo Courtesy of © Coloures-pic / Dollar Photo Club

How to improve every day? Ugh, a bit heavy isn’t it?

No worries. With a little effort, we can tackle this one.

Sometimes we just have to dumb it down and ask the right question. A question that will lead us to the result we want. Let’s have at it!

“What would happen if we acted as if every day could lead to only one of two results? – Progression or Regression.”

Think about it; how conscious of our behavior would we be if we acted as if we were in a continual process of progressing or regressing our professional competencies, intellect, communication skills, social behaviors, and personal development?

Well…we are!

For better or worse, we’re simply not the same when we go to bed at night. This is such a simple but empowering principle to live by, and it has personally changed my life. (more…)

2018-02-05T22:04:37-05:00Blog, Personal Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on How To Improve; Every Day
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