Discover how to get the most valuable insights, tips and lessons on success, high performance and leadership through solo episodes of Welcome to Leadership with motivational leadership speaker Aaron Keith Hawkins. PLUS, get the expertise of guest experts who are brilliant leaders from across the globe. If you want to discover how to be a great leader, a better manager, this is your resource for free leadership training and skills with episodes being delivered to at least 3 times per week to make sure you’re getting clarity and inspiration all week long.
Aaron Keith Hawkins (00:00):
Hello, and welcome to welcome to leadership. You know, the greatest gift that in my opinion, you can receive or give is the clarity and inspiration that can potentially transform someone’s life experience. Now, the reason that’s relevant is because the purpose of this podcast is to be one of those sources of clarity and inspiration for you along your leadership journey in business and your personal life. Now, you can expect that each episode here is gonna give you the most valuable insights, tips, and lessons on success and performance in leadership through solo episodes with me, plus you’ll get the expertise of our guest experts who are brilliant leaders from across the globe and across the industries. Now new episodes will be delivered to you every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to make sure you’re getting that clarity and inspiration all week long. Now, my name is Aaron Keith Hawkins, and I’m a former public service leadership executive.
Aaron Keith Hawkins (01:00):
Who’s now an entrepreneur, an author, a keynote speaker, a corporate trainer with 30 years of direct leadership experience. Now, one thing that I’m gonna ask that you remember about leadership is this, whether you’re a leader in a fortune 50 company or in a small organization rising through the ranks, or if few small business owner or entrepreneur with a team of 10 or a team of one, here’s the truth that you must remember about leadership. You are always leading because you are always leading you in your relationships, in your aspirations and your habits and the care that you give to yourself physically, financially, spiritually, and mentally. You’re the person calling the shots in your life and how successful you are at understanding how to lead yourself is gonna impact two critical outcomes in your life. Number one, how successful you are at leading others. And number two, how successful you are at achieving your own personal success.
Aaron Keith Hawkins (02:02):
And if that’s important to you, then there’s just two easy steps to take right now. First hit that subscribe button on whatever platform you’re using to listen to this episode. And second hit the share button, send this episode to two people that you care about and let them reap the same rewards that you will. They’ll. Thank you. And so do I, I’m Aaron, Keith Hawkins, welcome to leadership, and I’ll see you on the next episode. Hey, did you know if you have a question that you want to hear answered on a show, you can just text it to me. Just send me a text message to 2 3 9 2 1 7 7 4 3 4. Again, it’s 2 3 9 2 1 7 7 4 3 4. Or just head over to Aaron, Keith alkins.com and hit the podcast question tab and send me your question. You just might hear your question answered on an upcoming episode.